Fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled out before submitting.

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Post Code
Alternate Phone
Ok to leave message?
Types of Work You Would Accept Regular
Full Time
Part Time
When Would You be Available to Start Work?
Do You Have a Valid Drivers License?
If Yes, State
Drivers License Number
Type of License
Does Your License Have Restrictions?
If Yes, Pleas Explain
Do You Have a High School Diploma or Equivalent?
If Yes, From Where?
What is the Highest Level of Education You Have Completed?
Institution Name and Location
Dates Attended
Area of Study
Total Hours Completed
Degree/Certification Received
Date Received
Special Qualifications and Skills

Work Experience

Please Attach a List of All Jobs Held in the Past 10 years

3 References

1. Name
Phone Number
Years Known
2. Name
Phone Number
Years Known
3. Name
Phone Number
Years Known

Indian Preference Policy

Are you a member of or eligible for membership in a federally recognized Tribe?
If Yes, Please upload a copy of your CDIB card
If you can not upload a copy of your CDIB card, describe why
Are you legally authorized to work in the U.S.?
Have you been fired or asked to resign from a job within the past 10 Years?
If Yes, please explain
Have you been convicted of a felony?
If Yes, please explain
Have you ever served in the Armed Forces?
If Yes, give dates, branch and type of discharge received from service
Are you now working for, or have ever worked for, the Eastern Shawnee Tribe or its entities?
If Yes, when and where?
Do you or your spouse have any relatives presently working for, or holding office in the Eastern Shawnee or one of its entities?
If Yes, give name(s) or relative(s)
If employed and under 18, can you furnish a work permit?